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北极星电力网技术频道    作者:佚名   2012/8/16 17:56:22   

Electricity-producing wind turbines have four basic components:


· a rotor consisting of two or three blades attached to a hub


· a generator that produces electricity in the form of alternating current


· a control and protection system that optimizes performance and keeps the machinery operating within safe limits


· a tower that raises the rotor off the ground.


Modern wind turbines make use of very few but very large blades (ranging between 40 to 80 metres in diameter) to capture wind energy, extracting energy from the largest possible volume of air. The blades are set at different angles to cope with varying wind speeds, and the generator and the blades can be turned to face the changing direction of the wind. The turbines are mounted on towers 40 to 80 metres tall, so as to capture stronger wind flows.


Two types of turbines


广告直拨:   媒体合作/投稿:陈女士 13693626116

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